GPS vehicle trackers have been in common use for about ten years now. Most of these trackers are installed inside vehicles and are connected into the vehicle electrical system thereby negating powering issues. Drivers of these vehicles are generally aware of the presence of a tracking device in their vehicle and many systems are interactive and therefore provide a full range of facilities to the Spy Equipment UK user. However there is a different breed of GPS vehicle tracker that is now commonly available for covert surveillance purposes. These devices were until recent years a pipe dream, but modern technology has provided an incredibly versatile tracking solution that is easy to use and affordable for most pockets. Magnetic vehicle trackers are an incredible information and evidence gathering tool and often provide a short cut to the truth.
Magnetic tracking devices can be deployed right underneath a vehicle completely out of sight. They send back positions via GPRS to a server with mapping system on a regular basis when the vehicle is on the move, sometimes as little as every 15 seconds. This data is stored by the tracking server and can be interrogated at a later stage. The data provides a complete history of the movement of the vehicle whilst the tracker is attached. By monitoring the tracking history over say a two week period Spy Equipment or more patterns will often emerge that require further investigation. By this stage any physical surveillance of the vehicle will be more focused and with the vehicle tracker still attached during the physical surveillance, the vehicle will not be lost.
Most modern private investigators will use tracking devices in this manner as a precursor to manned surveillance and as an aid to preventing a surveillance loss during physical surveillance. However, it is not just the Private Investigators who benefit from this superb evidence gatherer.
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