The Gucci Scarf Tote Bag is one of Gucci’s top ‘canvas’ bags. Other ‘canvas’ handbags from Gucci include the likes of the Medium Tote (161836) Black Gucci Bag, the Beige Plus Brown and Beige Plus Red Gucci Canvas Bags, the Trophy Medium (189825) Gucci Boston Bag, the Gucci 131233 (Classic) Bag and the ultra-stylish Gucci (161836) Bag – among others. Many of these are products that I have gotten to use before; for I have a huge weakness for Gucci bags. But of all the Gucci handbags that I have had the chance to make use of, it is the The Gucci Scarf Tote Bag that I have been most thoroughly enchanted with.
The first feeling one gets on laying their eyes on the The Gucci Scarf Tote Bag is that it is a rather ‘quiet and serene’ bag. This all has to do with the colors employed on it – which are rather ‘cool’ colors. The checked pattern on most of the bag’s main body does somewhat ‘liven’ it up a bit, but it would seem Tiffany Sale that Gucci really set out to make a ‘quiet’ bag in this one. That is just as well, for there are those of us who don’t like those ‘loud, almost shouting’ bags; who prefer the handbag as a tool for carrying our ladies’ essentials rather than a tool for attracting attention. This is not to say that you can’t attract attention with the The Gucci Scarf Tote handbag; but rather that you would be doing so in a nice ‘modest’ way.
The Gucci Scarf Tote Bag is more of a circular bag, so that in terms of size, it is best described in two dimensions, height and diameter, these being 34 centimeters and 30 centimeters respectively. If you are more comfortable with inches, the dimensions of Gucci Scarf (155563 Cruise Collection) Tote handbag would work out to about 13 inches by 11 inches; making it what can be described as medium sized bag. In other words, this is a bag that one of the ladies who belong to the ‘school of thought’ that fancies huge handbags won’t be ashamed to be seen hugging along. At the same time, it is not a bag that a lady who believes that a bag has to be small to be cute will hate to carry along. It is a handbag for all tastes, size-wise. And practically speaking, it is a bag with enough space to carry most of the standard wares Tiffany Jewellery UK a lady would want to carry along; though definitely not much good for shopping along.
As with all genuine Gucci products, expect to find an ‘authenticity card’ inside your Gucci Scarf (155563 Cruise Collection) Tote Bag. Inside the bag, you will also find a cute dusk handbag; clearly stamped that this is a Gucci product, proudly made in Italy – the cradle of Gucci. And surprise, surprise, Gucci Scarf (155563 Cruise Collection) Tote handbag is actually quite an affordable bag.
You can never be out of fashion with gucci handbags . For latest styles and accessories including gucci bags visit our store.