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This is one of the most frequently asked questions I receive about Life Coaching. Yes there is a difference and by explaining what Coaching IS, I aim to help you understand what it is NOT and how it is different to Therapy.
Coaching Focuses on:
Where you are right now. coach outlet online
Your needs and wants.
Goals and actions.
Self-potential. cheap coach handbags
Moving forward. coach handbags 2011
Replacement of sabotaging thoughts, patterns and behaviors.
Non-judgment. coach handbags outlet
New perspectives.
Self-actualization. designer coach handbags
In a nutshell Coaching believes you are fully functional and helps and supports you find your solutions in a quick, effective and life-changing way. It focuses on where you right now and find ways to help you move forward. coach jewelry outlet It is a proactive approach that examines your behavior today and challenges you to develop new behavior. Coaching supports you to take charge of your life and make it whatever you want by providing you with tools and strategies to accomplish the desired shifts in thinking and behaving. It helps you to respond versus react and looks at ways to help you change your life permanently in ways that empower you in every niche of life.
Coaching generally does not work with clinical depression, neuroses, psychosis, permanent emotional damage or any medically based issues.
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coach jewelry outlet If you want to change jobs, lose weight, start saving, buy a house, start studying, improve your marriage, travel abroad or any other number of things coaching can get you there far quicker than you can even imagine. This is the magic of coaching. It gets you to where you want to be while changing your life for the better in every way.
If you know anyone who is interested in coaching and could benefit by taking control of their lives and accomplishing what they want to achieve in life, you are welcome to give them my contact details. I will contact them within 12 24 hours, unless traveling. www. kimknightcoaching. com
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